An Steegen
CTO Umicore
An Steegen (°1971) holds a Ph .D in Material Science and Electrical Engineering from the Catholic University of Leuven, KUL, in collaboration with the Interuniversity Microelectronics Center, IMEC, in Belgium . She joined IBM Semiconductor R&D in Fishkill, New York, in 2000. As R&D director and executive of IBM’s International Semiconductor Alliance, she was responsible for IBM’s advanced logic semiconductor technology development for the mobile and wireless application market.
In 2010, she rejoined imec, in Belgium. As Executive Vice President, she was in charge of imec’s Semiconductor Technology & Systems division . Dr. Steegen is a recognized leader in semiconductor R&D and an acclaimed and inspiring thought leader in innovation in the IoT and digitalization era . Recently, Dr. An Steegen joined Umicore as Chief Technology Officer, responsible for the company’s overall innovation strategy. She is in charge of Umicore’s R&D in the areas of clean mobility materials, recycling and sustainability and she is responsible for Umicore’s new business incubation in adjacent and new opportunity markets. She is also Executive Vice President of the Electro-Optical Materials and Thin Film Products business lines.