Maurice Geraets
Co-CEO NXP Netherlands
Maurice Geraets MSc MBA is Co-CEO NXP Semiconductors Netherlands. He has over 25 years of experience in the IT and electronics industry and works at NXP Semiconductors since 2002.
In his current position he focuses on disruptive innovations for ‘secure connections for a smarter world’. This concerns e.g. intelligent transport systems (ITS) and automated driving. Next to his role at NXP, Maurice is active in the governance of the 1 billion Euro Dutch SmartwayZ program, is board member of several associations on automotive and mobility, is member of the Corporate Partnership Board of the OECD International Transport Forum and is member of the management committee of the European industry association AENEAS.
Mr. Geraets holds an Executive MBA degree and a Master of Science degree in Computer Science. Mr. Geraets is Dutch and was born in 1968.